Explore the projects I've built and worked on below.
Moonsugar Inn
This is project I'm working on for a Inn that exists within Elder Scrolls Online. It's built with HTML, CSS and JavaScript.
Cheat Sheet
This project is an cheat sheet website created as a project for Codecademy Front-End Engineer Course. Here I use HTML and CSS
Pixel Art Maker
This is a pixel art maker is a project I wrote with HTML, CSS and Javascript as part of Udacity's Intro to programming nano degree
Rock Paper Scissors Game
This is a rock paper scissors game I wrote in Python as part of Udacity's Intro to Programming Nanodegree. This was the first program I wrote working with Classes in Python. It has a few different AI classes that the human player can play against.
Adventure Game
This is a text based adventure game written in Python as part of Udacity's Intro to Programming Nanodegree. This was the first project I built in Python. It's a simple choose your own adventure game.